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Every year, we help thousands of families and providing support for their infant's healthy growth and development by providing emergency infant formula.


We love hearing from our clients about how L.I.F.E. Houston supports a strong start for a strong future. Please read some of these stories below.


Thanks to L.I.F.E. Houston my baby now has formula and diapers.  It's truly a blessing for people to find it in their hearts to help me in my time of need.

What people are saying...

  • One client, a young mother, had just started a new job and moved into a new place when her purse was stolen.  Her rent money, WIC card and identification were all gone.  She had a hungry baby and few people to turn to in this immediate crisis when her WIC office referred her to L.I.F.E. Houston.  After her visit, she shared her relief in finding help, "Thanks to L.I.F.E. Houston my baby now has formula and diapers.  It's truly a blessing for people to find it in their hearts to help me in my time of need."

  • A client came to us with an amazing story of faith and perseverance.  Her three children were born prematurely and the oldest was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.  Her husband was disabled.  When she lost her WIC card she knew her children were at risk for going to bed hungry.  "God knows we cannot afford the formula so when I heard about L.I.F.E. Houston I thanked God and I thank you.


  • "LIFE Houston has been there to help with our children when we most needed it.  It has meant the world for us.  Thank you!"

  • Robert and Josie Casas are young professionals who had been married two years.  Before they became parents, they decided one of them would stay home.  As circumstances had it, Robert was laid off right before they welcomed Christian. Josie returned to work while Robert became a stay-at-home Dad.  Several months later, Josie was laid off.  They had savings but not enough.  Fortunately, they'd visited the Baby Expo weeks earlier and learned of L.I.F.E. Houston.  Instead of making a donation, as they planned, they returned for help.  Today, Josie is working and the Casas' family is grateful for L.I.F.E. Houston's help.  "We only want to use what we need," said Robert humbly. "There are others who need help more than we do.  Now we are slowly catching up with our finances.  Receiving help from L.I.F.E. Houston made a tremendous difference."


  • "LIFE Houston meant a lot to me and my family because since I moved to this state, it is the first place that make me feel confident.  It gives me a lot of information and has excellent customer service.  LIFE Houston has provided things that I really need like the baby milk and information about child care. LIFE Houston is an outstanding, marvelous program."

  • "It is very helpful if you don't have WIC.  I like the fact that it is for emergency purposes.  Love it!"


  • "Really Helpful"


  • "I want to thank LIFE Houston for their help.  I would like to say everyone is kind, helpful and gave me information on other services."


  • "LIFE Houston has been a great help to me and my family by helping us with formula for our baby girl as well as giving us information we did not know about.  We have learned a lot from here and we thank you very much!"

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Fax: 713-528-3802

Find us: 

2002 S Wayside
Houston, TX 77023

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As required by policy and ethical standards, LIFE Houston ensures that all employees, officers, directors, and trustees disclose any conflicts of interest on an annual basis. All forms are on file and available for public viewing at our St. Austin site. Please contact our office if you have any questions about our conflict of interest policy.

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