Our annual Infant Holiday Bash was a HUGE success! Almost 200 of our clients and family members joined us for food, music, and fun! We had a cookie decorating station set up for our kiddos and we all enjoyed hot chocolate and cupcakes.
Of course, the best part of the event - SANTA & MRS. CLAUS and TOYS! We had gifts for our babies and their big brothers and sisters. Plus, each family took home a $10 gift card to H-E-B and a family pass to the Children's Museum of Houston.
You can check out all the pictures in the slideshow below.
We are so grateful to our sponsors and volunteers for their support! Big thanks to:
H-E-B for providing the gift cards and food;
The Church of St. John the Divine for hosting the event;
Second Servings of Houston for providing cupcakes;
AT&T Pioneers, South Texas Chapter 64 for bringing toys, miniature trees, and volunteers;
The Children's Museum of Houston for providing the family passes;
Latin Women's Initiative for volunteering;
Santa & Mrs. Claus
L.I.F.E. Houston Board Members & Staff
Christina Cooper
Grace Pendland
Jackie Urbina
Ymani Walker
