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Do you need baby formula? 


If you have a baby from newborn to 1 year old, you qualify for free emergency formula assistance.

For more details, please call us at (713) 528-6044.



  • A photo ID of the baby's parent or caregiver

  • A document showing your baby's full name and date of birth

Enrollment Process

​Step 1: Send us your documents via text (713) 528-6044

Before we can schedule your appointment, we need to gather some information about you and your baby. Appointment is not required. Walk-ins are welcome.


When you text us, please include the following:


  • A photo ID of the baby's parent or caregiver

  • A document showing your baby's full name and date of birth​

  • A valid email address


Step 2: Appointments not required. Walk-ins are welcome.

During your phone call, we will enroll you in our program and schedule your appointment, which takes approximately 10-15 minutes. If you haven’t heard from us within 2 days of submitting your documents, please give us a call.


Step 3: Visit our office at your appointment time

Please arrive on time for your scheduled appointment and ensure you bring any additional paperwork that may have been requested. 

Forms we can use include..

  • The "Verification of Birth Facts," typically found in hospital documents

  • A WIC or Medicaid card or paperwork, provided it includes the baby's birthdate

  • A Statement of Paternity

  • A doctor's note for formula, if it includes the baby's birthdate

  • Other hospital documents that display the baby's date of birth


We cannot use...

  • The Social Security Card or WIC card, as they do not include the baby's birthdate

  • The shot record, since it is handwritten


Does my baby's formula need a doctor's note? 

NO, if you are using these brands:   

  • Milk-based: Similac Advance, Enfamil Infant, 

  • Soy formula: Similac Isomil, Enfamil ProSobee

  • Sensitive: Similac Sensitive, Enfamil Sensitive

  • Gentle: Similac Total Comfort, Enfamil Gentlease


YES, if you are using these brands:

  • 22 cal/oz: Similac Neosure, Enfamil Enfacare

  • Hypoallergenic: Similac Alimentum, Enfamil Nutramigen, Abbott Nutrition Elecare, Enfamil PurAmino, Enfamil Nutramigen AA, Nutricia Neocate


Our Services

​L.I.F.E. Houston's Food for Babies program provides free emergency formula assistance


We have various formulas in stock. These include:

  • Milk-based formula (HEB Advantage, the generic version of Similac Advance and HEB Premium, the generic version of Enfamil Infant)

  • Soy-based formula (HEB Soy, a generic soy formula)

  • Lactose-free formula (HEB Sensitivity, a generic version of Similac Sensitive)

  • Milk-based formula with partially-broken down protein (HEB Gentle, similar to Enfamil Gentlease and Similac Total Comfort for Discomfort)

  • Formula for medical needs **needs a Dr's note (Similac for Spit-up, Similac Alimentum, Similac Neosure, Similac Elecare, Enfamil Nutramigen, Enfamil Enfacare, Nutricia Neocate)


We also offer baby cereal and jarred baby foods, subject to availability.


Additional Support & Outreach

In addition to baby formula, clients receive information and referrals in both English and Spanish. We provide details about:

  • Proper infant nutritin

  • Formula preparation and use

  • Applying for WIC​


We also provide referrals for other community resources and we have information about various government programs. Click here to learn more about additional support and outreach


 For questions about other needs such as legal assistance, housing, additional food resources, or medical services, please call 2-1-1.

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Call us:


Fax: 713-528-3802

Find us: 

2002 S Wayside
Houston, TX 77023

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As required by policy and ethical standards, LIFE Houston ensures that all employees, officers, directors, and trustees disclose any conflicts of interest on an annual basis. All forms are on file and available for public viewing at our St. Austin site. Please contact our office if you have any questions about our conflict of interest policy.

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